Jul 23, 2024

The Question: What Kind of Illiterate Are You?

Photo by Laura Rivera on Unsplash

By standard terms, illiteracy means lacking the proper credentials to fit into modern society. But what if your literacy is someone else's illiteracy, and they mock your ignorance in their part of the world? Standards often ignore minorities, leading to conflicting definitions of literacy.

Literacy on a global scale seems absurd, while career-based literacy is more plausible. So, why judge? We set standards for the next generation, only for them to rebel.

Surviving in the modern world often means overlooking the opportunities it provides. Is communication a form of literacy? What if communication is understood without traditional literacy? Conversely, what if communication is misunderstood despite proper literacy?

What happens then?


Written by Rootcreator

Welcome to my thoughts, where words dance and emotions unfurl. I'm Rootcreator, I use literature to explore and express the tapestry of human experience.

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